The value of transluminal attenuation gradient indices to predict myocardial bridge with systolic compression on CCTA
ZHANG Ji-ping1, LI Li2, WANG Min2
1. Jining Medical University of Clinical Medicine, Jining Shandong 272000, China;
2. Department of Radiology, Jining No.1 people’s Hospital, Jining Shandong 272000, China
Abstract:Objective: To study the diagnostic value of transluminal attenuation gradient(TAG) indices of left anterior descending artery(LAD) for myocardial bridge(MB) with significant systolic compression measured by coronary computed tomography angiography(CCTA). Materials and Methods: Eighty-one patients with confirmed MB who underwent CCTA were retrospectively included. TAG, the standardized TAG(TAGs) and corrected mural coronary opacification(CMCO) difference, MB length and MB depth were calculated to analyse the diagnostic value on MB with significant systolic compression. Results: TAG, the standardized TAG and corrected mural coronary opacification difference with significant systolic compression, slight systolic compression and without systolic compression had significant statistical differences(all P<0.05), but MB length and MB depth had no significant statistical differences(all P>0.05). ROC curve showed TAGs and CMCO difference had high diagnostic value(AUC 0.81, 0.83), combination TAGs with CMCO difference(AUC 0.89) showed remarkable improvement. Conclusion: TAG, TAGs and CMCO difference have relationship with the extent of dynamic compression of MB and have high diagnostic value on MB with significant systolic compression. So the indices have value to identify significant systolic compression of MB.
张极平1,李 丽2,王 敏2. 冠状动脉CTA管腔密度梯度参数预测心肌桥收缩压迫程度的价值[J]. 中国临床医学影像杂志, 2020, 31(5): 338-342.
ZHANG Ji-ping1, LI Li2, WANG Min2. The value of transluminal attenuation gradient indices to predict myocardial bridge with systolic compression on CCTA. JOURNAL OF CHINA MEDICAL IMAGING, 2020, 31(5): 338-342.
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