Abstract:Objective: To investigate the value of T2WI grayscale ratio in the differential diagnosis of small clear cell renal cell carcinoma(CCRCC) and angiomyolipoma with minimal fat(AMLmf). Methods: T2WI data of 46 cases surgical which pathological comfirmed CCRCC and 32 cases of proven 35 AMLmf the diameter ≤4.0 cm were restrospectively analyzed. The grayscale value of renal tumor to kidney cortex and tumor to spleen were measured and calculated by RADinfo Reading System. The threshold value of the optimal ratio to identify CCRCC and AMLmf was obtained through the ROC curve. Results: In 46 CCRCC and 35 AMLmf, the tumor/kidney ratio and tumor/spleen ratio were 1.021±0.206 and 0.710±0.159(t=7.420, P<0.001), 1.634±0.331 and 1.140±0.272(t=3.889, P<0.001), respectively. The area under the curves and optimal threshold of tumor/kidney ratio and tumor/spleen ratio in the identification of CCRCC and CCRCC respectively were 0.891 and 0.904, 0.817 and 1.123, respectively. And the corresponding sensitivity and specificity were 76.1% and 91.4%, 87.0% and 71.4%. While these ratios were increasing, the sensitivity to diagnose CCRCC decreases and the specificity increases. In combination with tumor/kidney ratio and tumor/spleen ratio, the sensitivity and specificity were 69.6% and 94.3%. Conclusion: T2WI grayscale ratio can identify CCRCC and AMLmf objectively, accurately and quantitatively. The tumor/kidney ratio has a high specificity, and the tumor/spleen ratio has a high sensitivity. The combination of the two ratios has higher specificity, which reduce the incidence of misdiagnosis.
张丽青,韩志江,赖旭峰. T2WI灰阶比值在肾透明细胞癌和乏脂性血管平滑肌脂肪瘤鉴别诊断中的价值[J]. 中国临床医学影像杂志, 2020, 31(5): 346-349.
ZHANG Li-qing, HAN Zhi-jiang, LAI Xu-feng. The value of T2WI grayscale ratio in the differentiation of clear cell renal carcinoma from angiomyolipoma with minimal fat. JOURNAL OF CHINA MEDICAL IMAGING, 2020, 31(5): 346-349.
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