1. Department of Radiology, the 926 Hospital of PLA, Kaiyuan Yunnan 661699, China;
2. Department of Radiology, the Second People’s Hospital of Guangdong Province, Guangzhou 510000, China
Abstract:Objective: To analyze the MR findings of infratentorial ganglioglioma(GG) in order to improve the recognition and the diagnostic rate before operation. Methods: Retrospective analysis of the clinical, pathological and MR data of 8 cases of infratentorial GG after surgery and pathology. Results: All the lesions were located in the infratentorial brain parenchyma, involving the middle cerebellar peduncles, adjacent brain stem and cerebellar hemisphere. The shape of the focus was irregular and the boundary was unclear. T1WI mainly showed hypointensity or slightly hypointensity, T2WI and T2 FLAIR showed slightly hyperintense or hyperintense, and DWI mainly showed isointense or slightly hypointensity, anaplastic GG DWI may show uneven hyperintense. The enhancement is non-uniform in the shape of a strip or strip. There were different degrees of edema zone around the tumor, and the ipsilateral cerebellar hemisphere was accompanied with cerebral cortex atrophy. The main metabolites of the tumor: NAA peak decreased, Cho peak increased, Cr peak decreased slightly, Cho/Cr increased and Cho/NAA increased. Conclusion: The MR manifestation of infratentorial GG is different from that of supratentorial and has its characteristic manifestations. When it is found that the ipsilateral cerebellar cortex is atrophied, the possibility of this disease should be considered.
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